Monday, May 21, 2012

10 Tips Google Ad Sense For Beginner

Google Ad Sense is a double-edged sword; you can make money, but can also be fun. Imagine the following:

Do you have a new Blog, and have been adopted Google Ad Sense, so you can take to generate the code and install it on your blog. Well, do you think that money is evil will come soon! This did not happen, and for this reason.
Tip number one Google Ad sense does not disclose that niche better than clicks (CTR). (By the way CTR split view images of pages, so if you have 10 clicks out of 100 hits, CTR by 10% - which is very high, this is just one example).

Tip number 2 if your blog still new and it traffic just 10 visitors per day. Even if your CTR is 20%, it means that already has six clicks, and if you're in a niche with high value, you just earned about $ 0.60.

Tip number 3 on average CTR, probably 0.5 to 2%, at best, so look at it another way, you win something like $ 0.30 cents a month.

Tip number 4 does not be distracted from the Google Ad Sense! I remember when I started, I could not wait for my Google Ad Sense account to see how much you earn, and when I discovered that there is almost nothing, I thought that the position of your ad or the content or the wrong color, so I moved and changed, but not income even more, because I did not move, and I was losing time, can be used for content creation.

Tip number 5, I told you that content? Now what I want now, because it is the soul of the blog, especially one that aspires to make money with Google Ad Sense. Unique features are included in the plan.

Tip number 6 does not wait to get money from a news site or just regurgitating what others have been reported. There will be no movement; because they already have great content is public.

Tip number 7 does not write a personal blog, because no one cares and no more traffic, except for his friends. Celebrities can get away with because people are interested in the details of his life, but the Ad Sense ads are not aligned, using only its own content.

Tip number 8 if you want to quickly get traffic, you need the phone. Making movies with a funny voice or your dog or cat to do tricks, acting for the camera - that is, people see the video and visit the blog.

Tip number 9 Creating and populating the blog with great content, before you install Google Ad Sense, you already have traffic, and not be distracted from its primary purpose.

Tip number 10 is just working on it. Create content that helps ordinary people, and they read that the only way to drive traffic to your blog and Google Ad Sense income will attract.

So I hope these tips will help you focus on the Google Ad Sense content and get more traffic to your blog.

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